TUE Pool

Athletes who belong to the TUE Pool as defined by Swiss Sport Integrity require a prospective therapeutic use exemption TUE. This means that a valid exemption must generally be obtained prior to the start of a therapy with a prohibited substance or method.

National Level

Athletes who belong to TUE Pool and are therefore considered National-Level Athletes, are obliged to apply for a prospective TUE to Swiss Sport Integrity.

International Level

For participation in international competitions, the regulations of the relevant International Sports Federation must be observed. The International Sports Federation defines who is considered an International-Level Athlete and therefore also requires a prospective TUE. The TUE application must be submitted to the relevant International Sports Federation.


If an athlete meets both definitions, the regulations of the International Sports Federation prevail and the application shall be submitted to the International Sports Federation. 

Athletes who are neither considered National-Level Athletes nor International-Level Athletes can apply for a TUE retroactively.

Belonging to TUE Pool

The following list provides a conclusive check of who is considered as a National-Level Athlete.

Support and Contact

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.
